Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Goddess Aphrodite

Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. She was born from sea-foam (aphros in Greek). Zeus decided to marry her to Hephaistos, because he was very honest and consistent. Hephaistos was a good husband to her, and made her many beautiful pieces of jewelry. One thing that he made her was a magic golden girdle, and when she wore it, she became irresistible. Unfortunately this was not a very good idea, because she was not faithful to him.
My Aphrodite was inspired in Boticcelli's "Birth of Venus".
She comes with Eaxis hair and clothes
Hair in the pics: Peggyzone MESH #03680
Clothes in the pics by Nessy Original

The Birth Of Venus by Botticelli


My Aphrodite (or Venus)

Her CC - thank you to all artists who made her cc!

Download Aphrodite

1 comment:

Orandon said...

Oh my! ; )

I do photoshop and have Venus as the header on my "Orandon" blog, w/some of my other enhanced photos. NOTHING like what you do! Your work makes me re-think my life, here.

I am a spiritual counselor and a psychic. My other blog, "Help Our Hearts, Jesus", is for people with wounded hearts...

The third blog I have is "Moonage Daydream" - a Tarot Deck, a collection of collages I did, based on the spirit of David Bowie. Clearing the Dark Side.

Just love everything you do, and are, Nyxie. Thank You for all the inspiration, this evening. It's been a healing experience to feel your passion and light out here.

I hope you are doing alright with the loss of your Mother. I am here for you, if you wish. Come find me.

I would love to be your mom if you ever need a mom or friend to help you attend to some things in your life. I will support your spirit in return. You are not alone.
